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The Controller class is responsible for taking in requests from the outside world and returning the appropriate response.

Think of a Controller as a server at a restaurant. A client makes a request to an application, that request is routed to the appropriate Controller and then the Controller interprets the request and returns data relative to what the client has request.


Controller actions are functions that call on a Controller in response to an incoming HTTP request. The job of Controller actions are to return the data that the Lux Application will respond with.

There is no special API for Controller actions. They are simply functions that return a value. If an action returns a Query or Promise the resolved value will be used rather than the immediate return value of the action.

Below you will find a table showing the different types of responses you can get from different action return values. Keep in mind, Lux is agnostic to whether or not the value is returned synchronously or resolved from a Promise.

Return/Resolved ValueResponse
Arrayor ModelSerialized JSON String
Array or Object LiteralJSON String
String LiteralPlain Text
Number LiteralHTTP Status Code
true204 No Content
false401 Unauthorized

Built-In Actions

Built-in actions refer to Controller actions that you get for free when extending the Controller class (show, index, create, update, destroy). These actions are highly optimized to load only the attributes and relationships that are defined in the resolved Serializer for a Controller.

If applicable, built-in actions support the following features described in the JSON API specification:

Extending Built-In Actions

Considering the amount of functionality built-in actions provide, you will rarely need to override the default behavior of a built-in action. In the event that you do need to override a built-in action, you have the ability to opt back into the built-in logic by calling the super class.

Read actions such as index and show return a Query which allows us to chain methods to the super call. In the following example we will extend the default behavior of the index action to only match records that meet an additional hard-coded set of conditions. We will still be able to use all of the functionality that the built-in index action provides.

// app/controllers/posts.js
import { Controller } from 'lux-framework';

class PostsController extends Controller {
   index(request, response) {
     return super.index(request, response).where({
       isPublic: true

 export default PostsController;

Custom Actions

Sometimes it is necessary to add a custom action to a Controller. Lux allows you to do so by adding an instance method to a Controller. In the following example you will see how to add a custom action with the name check to a Controller. We are implementing this action to use as a health check for the application so we want to return the Number literal 204.

// app/controllers/health.js
import { Controller } from 'lux-framework';

class HealthController extends Controller {
  async check() {
    return 204;

export default HealthController;

The example above is nice but we can make the code a bit more concise with an Arrow Function.

// app/controllers/health.js
import { Controller } from 'lux-framework';

class HealthController extends Controller {
  check = async () => 204;

export default HealthController;

Using an Arrow Function instead of a traditional method Controller can be useful when immediately returning a value. However, there are a few downsides to using an Arrow Function for a Controller action, such as not being able to call the super class. This can be an issue if you are looking to extend a built-in action.

Another use case for a custom action could be to return a specific scope of data from a Model. Let's implement a custom drafts route on a PostsController.

// app/controllers/posts.js
import { Controller } from 'lux-framework';
import Post from 'app/models/posts';

class PostsController extends Controller {
  drafts() {
    return Post.where({
      isPublic: false

export default PostsController;

While the example above works, we would have to implement all the custom logic that we get for free with built-in actions. Since we aren't getting too crazy with our custom action we can likely just call the index action and chain a .where() to it.

// app/controllers/posts.js
import { Controller } from 'lux-framework';

class PostsController extends Controller {
  drafts(request, response) {
    return this.index(request, response).where({
      isPublic: false

export default PostsController;

Now we can sort, filter, and paginate our custom drafts route!


Middleware can be a very powerful tool in many Node.js server frameworks. Lux is no exception. Middleware can be used to execute logic before or after a Controller action is executed.

There are two hooks where you can execute middleware functions, beforeAction and afterAction. Functions added to the beforeAction hook will execute before the Controller action and functions added to the afterAction hook will be executed after the Controller action.


Middleware functions will be bound to the Controller they are added to upon the start of an Application.

Due to the lexical binding of arrow functions, if you need to use the this keyword within a middleware function, declare the middleware function using the function keyword and not as an arrow function.

Scoping Middleware

Middleware is scoped by Controller and includes a parent Controller's middleware recursively until the parent Controller is the root ApplicationController. This allows you to implement custom logic that can be executed for resources, namespaces, or an entire Application.

Let's say we want to require authentication for every route in our Application. All we have to do is move our authentication middleware function from the example above to the ApplicationController.

// app/controllers/application.js
import { Controller } from 'lux-framework';

class ApplicationController extends Controller {
  beforeAction = [
    async function authenticate(request) {
      if (!request.currentUser) {
        // 401 Unauthorized
        return false;

export default ApplicationController;

Execuation Order

Understanding the execution order of middleware functions and a Controller action is essential to productivity with Lux. Depending on what you use case is, you may want your function to execute at different times in the request / response cycle.

  1. Parent Controller beforeAction hooks
  2. Controller beforeAction hooks
  3. Controller Action
  4. Controller afterAction hooks
  5. Parent Controller afterAction hooks


It is considered a best practice to define your middleware functions in separate file and export them for use throughout an Application. Typically this is done within an app/middleware directory.

// app/middleware/authenticate.js
export default async function authenticate(request) {
  if (!request.currentUser) {
    // 401 Unauthorized
    return false;

This keeps the Controller code clean, easier to read, and easier to modify.

// app/controllers/application.js
import { Controller } from 'lux-framework';
import authenticate from 'app/middleware/authenticate';

class ApplicationController extends Controller {
  beforeAction = [

export default ApplicationController;


  • Source:src/packages/controller/index.js:402

    Functions to execute on each request handled by a Controller after the Controller action is executed.

    Functions called from the afterAction hook will have request and response objects passed as arguments as well as a third payload argument. The payload argument is a reference to the resolved data of the Controller action that was called within the current request / response cycle. You need to explicitly return this payload in order for the afterAction to resolve with it's data. If you return a modified value from a function added to the afterAction hook, that value will be used instead of the resolved data from the preceding Controller action. Subsequent hooks called from an afterAction hook will will use the value returned or resolved from the preceding hook. This makes afterAction a great place to modify the data you are sending back to the client.


    import { Controller } from 'lux-framework';
    async function addCopyright(request, response, payload) {
      const { action } = request;
      if (payload && action !== preflight) {
        return {
          meta: {
            copyright: '2016 (c) Postlight'
      return payload;
    class ApplicationController extends Controller {
      afterAction = [
    export default ApplicationController;
  • Source:src/packages/controller/index.js:348

    Functions to execute on each request handled by a Controller before the Controller action is executed.

    Functions added to the beforeAction hook behave similarly to Controller actions, however, they are expected to return undefined. If a middleware function returns a value other than undefined the request / response cycle will end before remaining middleware and/or Controller actions are executed. This makes the beforeAction hook a very powerful tool for dealing with many common tasks, such as authentication.

    Functions called from the beforeAction hook will have request and response objects passed as arguments.


    import { Controller } from 'lux-framework';
    function isAdmin(user) {
      if (user) {
        return user.isAdmin;
      return false;
    async function authentication(request) {
      const { method, currentUser } = request;
      const isUnsafe = UNSAFE_METHODS.test(method);
      if (isUnsafe && !isAdmin(currentUser)) {
        return false; // 401 Unauthorized if the current user is not an admin.
    class PostsController extends Controller {
      beforeAction = [
    export default PostsController;
  • Source:src/packages/controller/index.js:454

    The default amount of items to include per each response of the index action if a ?page[size] query parameter is not specified.

  • Source:src/packages/controller/index.js:318

    An array of filter query parameter keys that are allowed to reach a Controller instance from an incoming HTTP request.

    If you do not override this property all of the attributes specified in the Serializer that represents a Controller's resource. If the Serializer cannot be resolved, this property will default to an empty array.

  • Source:src/packages/controller/index.js:333

    An array of parameter keys that are allowed to reach a Controller instance from an incoming POST or PATCH request body.

    If you do not override this property all of the attributes specified in the Serializer that represents a Controller's resource. If the Serializer cannot be resolved, this property will default to an empty array.

  • Source:src/packages/controller/index.js:278

    An array of custom query parameter keys that are allowed to reach a Controller instance from an incoming HTTP request.

    For security reasons, query parameters passed to Controller actions from an incoming request other than sort, filter, and page must have their key whitelisted.

    class UsersController extends Controller {
      // Allow the following custom query parameters to be used for this
      // Controller's actions.
      query = [
  • Source:src/packages/controller/index.js:303

    An array of sort query parameter values that are allowed to reach a Controller instance from an incoming HTTP request.

    If you do not override this property all of the attributes specified in the Serializer that represents a Controller's resource. If the Serializer cannot be resolved, this property will default to an empty array.
